Everyday I Write The Book, the Moon, and the stars.
He's a big ole liar. He said he'd sing me Everyday I Write The Book--and he didn't.Which is just as well, because it probably would mean I would never listen to it again. I'm listening to it right now. And it is such a sweet little tune that I would hate to have lost it. I really must give "him" some kind of hip Mr. 'Big'ish tag so's not to cause confusion when I discuss the Astrophysicist. I knew one intimately.
Full moons are a treat. One of the only reasons to live near an ocean is to see a moon's path in the water . Makes one want to rattle off at least a dozen poorly worded sonnets. Which I might right now if I hadn't already impressed you with my ability to not just beat but roundly thrash a dead horse.
Ooh here's something tres cheesy--when Prince did the soundtrack for the first Batman film, there was a song called "The Arms of Orion" on it. That song introduced me to constellations. Completely hilarious if you heard it. Well, I was only 12 (I think). There are only a few I really know and my favorite is still Orion. Probably because it's one big friggin constellation. Very hard to miss. He's out tonight.
More driving...more Macarena...more Coca-Cola...tomorrow.